Quality Control

At Sundborn our unique quality control of GreenWool yarn production enhances accountability and facilitates the lively energetic continuum from fleece to yarn to garment which becomes palpable to the Sundborn Sweater’s recipient.

First, there is a comprehensive  in-house Production Schedule which follows procedures from shearing right through to the delivery of the finished Sundborn Sweater Ensemble.

Each sheep each spring is assigned her own GreenWool Production Schedule where we record the name of the sheep and the weight of her newly shorn fleece. As yarn production progresses,  the names and dates for  shearing,  spinning, washing, and eventually actual knitting, along with finished yarn weights, appear on the Production Schedule.

This is a permanent record of the data which pertain to each shorn fleece ,  to the package of finished GreenWool yarn which comes from that fleece, and ultimately  to the commissioned Sundborn Sweater it becomes .

handmade sweater quality

 In addition, we provide a Presentation cum Provenance Card which accompanies the Sundborn Sweater Ensemble at delivery.

At each step along the way, the shearer, the spinner, the washer, and the knitter has  documented his or her participation in production by signing and dating the Card.  These are the data with dates and actual signatures which constitute  the history of that particular Sundborn Sweater and which will remain with it always.

organic wool

Color coding is our key to ensuring accuracy of information  and the integrity of  the energetic continuum which informs  our product. .  It guarantees  the benefit of  each Sundborn Sweater’s being  knitted from a single animal’s fleece.

In the spring, on the Production  Schedule,  when each shorn fleece is identified with the animal’s name and date of shearing, it is also assigned a color.  Next, the hand spinner then binds each skein spun from that fleece in that same color.  She then places  all of the finished color coded skeins from that fleece together with the Production Schedule showing total weight in an air tight container.  Then she labels the container with the sheep’s name and the yarn’s unwashed status.  Next, she signs and dates the Presentation Card which will eventually be delivered with the finished Sundborn Sweater Ensemble.

heandwashed wool quality control

During hand washing and drying, the coded skeins are identified by their color coding and easily returned  at the end of the process to their proper air tight container with the finished washed weight noted on the Production Schedule.  The  washer also  changes the outside label to indicate the skeins’ new washed status and  then signs and dates the Presentation Card.

wool washed quality control

When a commission is accepted, the hand knitter will receive a package of color coded washed skeins with the proper weight of material necessary to fulfill the commission and be confident that all of the yarn comes from a single animal’s wool.  Finally, the hand knitter, having completed the garment,  attests to the integrity of the continuum as well as to her or his  own role in assuring expected  quality by signing and dating the Presentation Card which accompanies the delivered Sundborn Sweater  Ensemble.  At Sundborn we strive always and in all ways to guarantee the perfect gift be perfect.  For further information, contact us at Sundborn Inc 17000 Lystila Road, L’Anse, MI 49946, email sundborn@up.net, or call 906 524 5868.  Thank you.
