Hand Raised Yarn
The 100% pure Icelandic wool Sundborn Sweater, hand wrought by Sundborn Inc on Michigan’s highest farm in the western Upper Peninsula, is offered by commission only. And to preserve its unique qualities as a cherished heirloom hand knitted from hand spun yarn, it is available only in the Sundborn Sweater Ensemble which provides necessary safekeeping for generations to come.
The GreenWool in which the Sundborn Sweater is hand knitted originates with the hand raising of our small flock of Icelandic sheep. This primitive breed is renowned for their luxuriant, luscious, dual coated fleeces. And the GreenWool story begins before our lambs are even born.
Our sheep receive no grain rations or chemical treatments of any kind. They graze at will the fields and woods around our small family farm, Michigan’s highest residence. Free access to diverse forages supports optimum health. We formulate supplemental mineral mixes for a breed sprung from volcanic soils to promote general well-being, healthy mothers and babies, and superlative fleece quality. We meet special needs quickly with herbal and homeopathic therapies.
At the height of summer, our highland hayfields in the western Upper Peninsula, fed with composted bedding, produce small, thirty-pound, round Roto Bales, guaranteed to preserve excellent nutrition and freshness throughout the long winter months of gestation.
For special shelter so important in areas which can experience extreme weather, we brought a Civil War era post-and-beam barn frame to our farm and raised it again. We clad the frame in local pine boards and covered it in copper rich red paint exported from a small town near Sundborn, Sweden.
As a predator-friendly farm, to avoid loses without traps or poisons we depend on Great Pyrenees guard dogs who are far ranging but no threat to humans.
And Bantam chickens, always on patrol, sweep the fields or strut among the dozing sheep calling to chicks, careful not to miss any consumables which could be problematic.
Our unique husbandry ensures a stress free daily routine, snug quarters, and ideal nutrition. We take immense pride in our especially happy lambs who grow into GreenWool. Their lives and the wool they produce are the essence of the Sundborn Sweater’s success as a gift of rare one-of-a-kind perfection. For further information, contact us at Sundborn Inc 17000 Lystila Road, L’Anse, MI 49946, email sundborn@up.net, or call 906 524 5868. Thank you.